Commons Good: Stewardship and Starting Points
The Commons Good podcast is about stewardship and starting points for learning and acting together to secure intergenerational well-being and equity for all. It makes visible the practices and progress of community pacesetters, sparking dialogue about what it takes to create legacies of dignity and inclusion, and build the civic muscle needed to expand vital community conditions.
Commons Good: Stewardship and Starting Points
Justice Horn, All-America City John Parr Youth Award Winner
Commons Good Podcast
In this episode we’re talking with Justice Horn, All-America John Parr Youth Award winner out of Kansas City, Missouri. This award recognizes extraordinary civic engagement and leadership on the part of a young person in their community. Justice was recognized for his racial justice advocacy, law enforcement reform, tenant/houseless equity, and environmental sustainability.Justice serves as LGBTQ Commission Chair for Kansas City, Missouri and has begun a campaign to become a Jackson County Legislator. If successful, he would to be the first openly gay person of color elected to local office in Kansas City, Missouri. Justice believes in the need for representation and the value of community voice to identify their most pressing issues and solutions.Explore More:Youth, Social Media, Cultural Entertainment and Civic Action Fair Winners: https://www.nationalcivicleague.org/youth-social-media-cultural-entertainment-and-civic-action-fair-winners/Kansa City named 2021 All-America City award winner: Recognized for work to build equity and increase resident engagement: https://www.kcmo.gov/Home/Components/News/News/1630/625 Rising Kansas City Leaders with Justice Horn: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/197-rising-kansas-city-leaders-with-justice-horn/id1229279588?i=1000531999547We Before Me - Justice Horn (Campaign website): https://justicehorn.com/The All-America City Award: https://www.nationalcivicleague.org/america-city-award/